Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Let's Have a Ball!
Last weekend was Libby’s birthday! On Her birthday she woke up to a balloon and CiCi had made her a pancake and put a candle in it. That afternoon some of Jason’s aunts and cousins and his mom came over to help me make the food. Libby also really enjoyed playing with everyone. She got two cards in the mail and walked around with them for about 30 minutes. I eventually had to take them from her because she was trying to eat them. Everyone returned the next morning to help us transform Echols’ gym into a fun party for Libby. My mom kept Libby so we could focus a little more and so she could get a good nap before the party. I know I could not have done it without everyone’s help! Thanks to all who helped!
The party was so much fun. We invited several of Libby’s friends and our family to come to Echols’ gym. We had balls, boppy-balloons, a few small ball-pits, and tons of little ones running around.
For food we had cheese balls, cake balls, peanut butter balls, rice krispie balls, and blue berries. Of course we also had Mawmaw’s delicious cake!
It was so much fun! You can tell Libby is loved by all of her friends and family who came to celebrate with her!
Monday Libby got tubes in here ears and did wonderful! She did not cry the whole time! Not even when they took her from us to go to the back. I was proud of how well she did. Wednesday, however, is another story. We went for her well-baby check-up and all she did was cry. It started when they pricked her toe to get blood, got worst when the doctor came in to listen to her heart and check her ears (this part is so bad because we have been to the doctor so much for ears- and they usually have to dig wax out to check them- She HATES it,) and it ended with 4 shots. It seemed that every time I got her calmed down they would return for the next part. However, she survived (like I knew she would.) Her weight is 23 pounds (75-90th percentile) and her height was 31 inches (above 95th percentile.) Yep, that is right; she is now half of my height!
I can’t believe she is one. It makes me so sad… however, I am also thankful because God has brought her through so much this year. From reflux (when we had to get the vacuum out because it was the ONLY thing that would calm her down) to ear infections to her clubbed foot, God has been with her each step of the way. He has also been with me. He has comforted, encouraged, and given me one of the biggest joys of my life!
Playing with Blake