Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mother's Day
My Mother- Sandra- Gran- My mother is my best friend. She is the most selfless person I know. She has the gift of service and giving. She is willing to drop what she is doing at a moment’s notice to run help keep Libby or clean the house before it is shown by a realtor an hour later. She has a great personality and is always smiling. Thank you for all you do! Thank you mostly for making sure I was in church so I could eventually love the Lord like you do.
My Mother-in-law- Cheri- CiCi is also an amazing woman. She keeps Libby for us 5 days a week. She is also willing to take her on the weekends if we have a lot going on. I know when I leave Libby she is going to be well taken care of and she will have a great time. She also helps us so much around the house even when we ask her not to. She raised the most amazing man I know. She loves the Lord and has raised a family that loves Him also. Thank you for all you do, but mostly for molding Jason into such a wonderful man.
My grandmother,Joann Gilliam-Mamaw- She is where my mother learned to drop what she is doing to help out. My grandmother was always there for us. As a child, I loved when Mamaw and Pop would come to visit. As a teenager, I loved shopping trips with my grandmother and mom (and not ONLY because they bought me stuff, but we also enjoyed each others company.) As an adult she taught me how to make her famous caramel cake. (Mine are not nearly as good as hers though.)She is a sweet woman who I love dearly.
My grandmother, Ruby Windle- MiMi- Although MiMi is not with us, I still think of her on Mother’s Day. She had a stroke when I was in 7th grade, so I did not get to know her as much as I would have liked. However I know that she was a Godly woman who loved the Lord and touched many lives. I believe that part of who I am is because of who she was. Thank you MiMi for helping me become a woman who loves the Lord. I pray I continue to grow into a woman with the reputation you had.
Jason’s grandmother, Mrs. Pate, Mawmaw- Mawmaw has always welcomed me into her home. The first Christmas Jason and I were dating she welcomed me with open arms. She is also an amazing cake baker and decorator. She did the cake for our wedding and it was beautiful. Mawmaw is so sweet and always has a kind word to say.
Jason’s grandmother, Mrs. Drake- Nanny- Nanny is also a sweet woman. She loves to stop by and bring Libby a new outfit or toy. She is always willing to help out. Like Mrs. Pate, she was quick to include me in family holidays and dinners. I love going over to the Drake’s for family suppers. We always have a great time!
Jason’s great-grandmother, Mrs. Rickman, Grandmaw Rickman- Grandmaw Rickman is a sweet woman with a great sense of humor. I love Christmas Eve night, because all of her children, grand-children, great-grand children, and now great-great grandchildren crowd into her home and enjoy celebrating Christmas together. There is always a lot of food and a lot of laughs.
Jason’s great-grandmother, Mrs Collins- Grandmama- Grandmama lives with Nanny. So whenever we get together for family dinners she is always there and we get to spend time with her. She is a sweet woman who loves the Lord and loves to read. Most days you can find her with Dora, Nanny’s small Chihuahua, in her lap. She is also a very sweet lady.
My Friends are also great mothers. They have really helped me the last 15 months as I stepped into the role of motherhood. They have given me advice and been a great encouragement. Thank you to my friends who are all wonderful women and great mothers!
As you can tell, I am blessed to have so many wonderful, Godly women in my life. It is a lot to live up to! I am so thankful for the families God has placed me in and the friends he has given me. I am truly blessed.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely ladies mentioned above. You are all a blessing to me and my family!