Sunday, July 1, 2012

This is not my typical blog post. There has been something on my mind all week. Before I say it though, I want to say that Yes I am a Christian. Even though I am a Christian, I make mistakes. I sin. I am far from perfect! BUT by God’s grace I am forgiven and have salvation. Praise God! That being said, there are a few things that I have seen during this summer that have really concerned me. I see some of my Christian and non-Christian friends reading 50 Shades of Gray or going to watch Magic Mike. Now, I don’t know a whole lot about either of these things. I do know that 50 Shades of Gray has been compared to reading porn. I also know that MOST of the ladies going to see Magic Mike have no real idea about the plot of the movie. MOST of the ladies going are only going to see Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey taking their clothes off. I wonder how us ladies would feel if our men were going to a movie where some of the hottest ladies in America were stripping down to g-strings. But more importantly I wonder how God feels about those who have read or watched. (As I stated before I am not perfect but this week I have felt highly convicted about this book and movie.)

I have wanted to write a status on Facebook, but feared I would step on toes. So, instead I have been praying about it. Today at church, Dr. J had such a wonderful message that aligned so much with my thoughts this past week. One of his points is that we should intercede for America’s spiritual decline. He told the story about Abraham asking God if he could find just 50 righteous people would he spare the city? Eventually he went down to just 10 righteous people, but he couldn’t even find 10 righteous people. What about you? In your workplace? In your neighborhood is there 10 righteous people? I can’t answer myself, because I am a coward when it comes to talking to people about their faith. I do pray for the county and my co-workers and neighbors….. But we are called to do more.  I am called to do more. So please pray that I will have boldness.

A verse Dr. J shared today was really haunting to me.

Ezekiel 16:49-50 says “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.”

Does that not remind you of America? As you get ready to celebrate the 4th of July, the freedom we have in our country, please pray for our country. Not just because you don’t like Obamacare, but for the lost people. For the culture that is so willing to except books and movie that causes people to lust.
 This week and especially today as I listened to Dr. J’s sermon, I thought back to I love Lucy. That show wouldn’t even show a married couple sleeping in the same bed. Think about some of the things we watch on tv? (yes WE, I am guilty too) I was thinking about how I wish I could live back then. (I would even be willing to give up my IPhone J)

Sorry, I know my thoughts are jumbled but this has been on my mind all week. Again, please pray for our country. Please pray for me and that I will have boldness! I know our God is bigger and stronger then the immorality of our country! 

Friday, June 29, 2012

OK! I am still awful at blogging…. But at least it hasn’t been a year since I last blogged! Summer has been so busy! Jason is working on his internship for his Administration degree, we went on an anniversary trip to Gatlinburg, and of course we are soaking up our time with the kids!

Gatlinburg was a great trip. It was hard to leave Libby and Luke, but we really enjoyed the break. We went zip lining which was fun. I don’t know that I would choose to do it again. It was really fun, but it is one of those things once you have done it…. You’ve done it and it’s enough. We also went shopping at the outlets and went to a fun upside house…. It wasn’t really an upside house. It looked like one but inside it reminded me a lot of the McWain Center. It was cool. We also ate really, really well!  Enough about us though….

Luke recently went for his 4 month check up. He was 18 lbs and 8 ounces and 26 ¾ inches long. That is the 98th percentile for both! He is a BEAST! Everywhere we go people are shocked that he is only 4 months! He is starting to use his hands a lot more. He enjoys watching Praise Baby on the tv and he loves watching his sister play too!

Libby has such a huge personality! Lately she has become obsessed with the David and Goliath story. In her version she includes that David wasn’t scared because God gave him courage…. However she also includes that after Goliath got hit in the nose and the head with David’s stone, he went home and had to go to timeout! Occasionally she gets mixed up and says he went to Nineveh. She has had a big summer! On Thursdays she has “Gran and Soach Day.” They take her to the library and “Chick flay”. Then she goes home with them and spends the night. She has also spent lots of time with CiCi and Pop Pop. However often she lets us know that she wants to go to the beach (and I do too!) So in a few weeks we will be heading down there!  She has also had some tough times this summer. She has had a lot of UTIs and yeast infections since January. She has also been complaining about her back hurting.  A couple of weeks ago we went to the doctor. She had to have a catheter (her second since January), blood work, and x-rays. She was such a brave girl (although there was plenty of crying.) Everything came back ok, which is great. Although we still don’t have an answer.

The past few weeks I have also been working on my dining room. It has pretty much been an empty room with a table and a timeout mat. I am still waiting on my curtains to come in. Once that is done I will try to post a blog about the house.
Ok that is all for now….

Inside The Upside Down House (really wish I could remember what that place was called)

 At Bubba Gumps

 Tanning ;)

Swim time!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I am totally awful at blogging!

Our family of 4
Luke on Easter

LOL! I can't believe I have not blogged since last summer, before I even knew I was pregnant. Now, my baby boy is already 8 1/2 weeks old. It is probably a good thing you didn't have to hear about my pregnancy since this time it was a lot more difficult then my first. However, Luke has turned out to be a very sweet, calm baby..... unlike his sister. He has reflux like she did, however it causes him to spit a lot more then she ever did. I am talking handfuls, several times between feedings. We went to a GI specialist last week and they increased his meds. That didn't help. Yesterday they added a new far it has helped.... hoping it is not a fluke!

Update on Libby.... she LOVES her brother! She has picked up on a lot of my mannerisms as she takes care of her babies. When Luke cries, she either goes to him and puts his paci in his mouth, gives him her "night-night", or sings to him. Speaking of singing..... Libby LOVES to sing. All she does is sing! She has made up some dances to songs and remembers what dance goes with what song. She is a little performer.... I believe I was too. I just don't think I started so young.

Luke was a big baby when he was born. He weighed 9 lbs 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. I had to have a c-section because of his weight. ( my water broke two nights before the section was scheduled, that was unexpected. I thought we had it all planned. I had so many plans for that Tuesday. Buy groceries, pack our hospital bags, pick up my piece from All Fired UP..... But Luke had other plans. ) At his 2 month appointment (which we had this week) he weighed 13 lbs and 14 ounces, 23 inches long- He is growing even after all the spit up!

Ok, so I have so much more I could say, but I guess I should limit myself. I will TRY to be a better blogger!

Oh! Just remembered.... i didn't blog about the sale of our home, and building our new one while living with my parents.....I will try and do a blog on those events soon. There is so much I didn't blog about over the past year.....