Our family of 4
Luke on Easter
LOL! I can't believe I have not blogged since last summer, before I even knew I was pregnant. Now, my baby boy is already 8 1/2 weeks old. It is probably a good thing you didn't have to hear about my pregnancy since this time it was a lot more difficult then my first. However, Luke has turned out to be a very sweet, calm baby..... unlike his sister. He has reflux like she did, however it causes him to spit a lot more then she ever did. I am talking handfuls, several times between feedings. We went to a GI specialist last week and they increased his meds. That didn't help. Yesterday they added a new med....so far it has helped.... hoping it is not a fluke!
Update on Libby.... she LOVES her brother! She has picked up on a lot of my mannerisms as she takes care of her babies. When Luke cries, she either goes to him and puts his paci in his mouth, gives him her "night-night", or sings to him. Speaking of singing..... Libby LOVES to sing. All she does is sing! She has made up some dances to songs and remembers what dance goes with what song. She is a little performer.... I believe I was too. I just don't think I started so young.
Luke was a big baby when he was born. He weighed 9 lbs 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. I had to have a c-section because of his weight. ( my water broke two nights before the section was scheduled, that was unexpected. I thought we had it all planned. I had so many plans for that Tuesday. Buy groceries, pack our hospital bags, pick up my piece from All Fired UP..... But Luke had other plans. ) At his 2 month appointment (which we had this week) he weighed 13 lbs and 14 ounces, 23 inches long- He is growing even after all the spit up!
Ok, so I have so much more I could say, but I guess I should limit myself. I will TRY to be a better blogger!
Oh! Just remembered.... i didn't blog about the sale of our home, and building our new one while living with my parents.....I will try and do a blog on those events soon. There is so much I didn't blog about over the past year.....