Saturday, August 21, 2010

Birthdays, Doctors, Crawling, and School

Since my last post we have had a few things happen. First, Jason celebrated his 26th Birthday. We went to Wings with some friends and family. We also had an amazing cake! My friend, Rebekah Hooten, makes the best cakes. She is also very talented at decorating them. If you ever need cakes, cookies, or cupcakes for a party, I can get you her number! She is great!

Also, Libby had her 6 month check-up. She is 17.1 pounds, which is in the 75th percentile. She is 27 ¼ inches long, which is in the 95% percentile. She is a growing girl! Everything seemed good! We did start her on some allergy medicine; unfortunately she has got my allergies. She really enjoyed playing with the paper that covers the table. She also kept trying to grab the doctor’s stethoscope. When we took it from her hands she got mad and yelled and the doctor couldn’t hear her heartbeat because she was too loud. Eventually, we got it.

We called her doctor (for her foot), because she pulls up all of the time now. They told us that even though she is pulling up, she can’t be close to walking. So we have to keep her shoes on at least until we visit them again in October. I was irritated, because this whole time they have said we could take them off when she pulled up on her own. I still think she could possibly be walking before we go in October, if that is the case…..we will ditch the shoes during the day!

She has also figured out how to crawl forwards. This just happened on Thursday. It is so cute. At first she would crawl, crawl, hop. Now, she just crawls. If it something she is not suppose to have (like my shoes, cords, plants ….) she goes really fast. Today she finally had the courage to leave the living room. I was getting her bath ready and looked up and she was in the hall looking at me. Guess I have to watch her more closely now!

School has also started back. I will not be posting a lot about school. However, I will say that it is a change from the fun, Libby-filled, summer. I have to get use to only seeing her in the afternoons. It is not too fun!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What's New?

So…..this is the part I was most worried about when starting my blog…. It has been a few weeks and I don’t know what to blog about. So I am going to just talk about what has been going on, maybe it will be interesting......

School is starting this week. Teachers returned last Thursday and the students will start on Tuesday. It was really hard going back. Last time I went back, when Libby was 8 weeks old, it was easier. At that time all she did was sleep, eat, and poop. It was hard going back, but this time was so much harder. She has such a sweet personality and she is so much fun. However, I know she is in good hands.

For about two weeks now Libby has been trying to crawl. She gets on her hands and knees all of the time. She will rock back and forth. She can scoot back like a champ, but has not figured out how to go forward. Since she knows what she wants to do and can’t do it, she gets mad and starts screaming. So, there has been a lot of screaming lately. Another thing she has started doing is rocking back and forth on her shoes. For those who don’t know, Libby was born with a clubbed foot and to correct it she has special shoes. The shoes are connected by a bar. (She has to wear the shoes 23 hours a day.) So she is standing in your lap and going from one foot to the other. Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock! It is pretty cute. She really likes to do it on Sunday mornings when the praise band is practicing before church. One of the more exciting things she has started doing is pulling up. This past week she pulled up on a diaper box. It is only about a foot off of the ground, but she did it all by herself. I had put the box on the floor for her to play with. I went to the kitchen to clean bottles. I peeked in to check on her and she was kneeling next to the box and holding on. So, I went and held the box still and she pulled up. Her feet were behind her a good bit, but she was balancing pretty good. She has done it several times since. Once she masters pulling up, she will only have to wear her shoes while sleeping. So we practice all the time. I know most parents say that you don’t want your baby crawling or walking because you have to chase them. But, I would love to chase her if it meant her shoes won’t have to be on all of the time.

Well….I guess that is all. Please pray for me and Jason as we go back to work. Pray that we would have an attitude like Christ’s. Also, Pray for us to be good examples to our students.