Tomorrow is my dad’s birthday. So, I decided to blog about my daddy! For those who know my dad, you will already know most of the things I am going to say. For those that don’t, what I am about to say will not do him justice.
My dad owned a clothing store when I was a baby. He went back to school and began teaching and coaching. My dad is definitely in the right career. Throughout his coaching career he has won several state championships in football. He has also won a state championship in softball and girls basketball. However, the championships are not what he is most proud of and they are not what define him. He is a great coach (and teacher), because he cares so much for “his kids.” I had the privilege to have him as a coach. He coached me in softball and basketball. (He also coached me in cheerleading for one summer. If you know him, you will have to ask him about it.) As a coach, he is tough and expects a lot of his players. He is knowledgeable and spent so much time looking over film and studying the other teams. He also spent time investing in each of the girls or guys he coached. I have a hard time finding someone who was coached by him that does not totally respect and love him. Having him as a coach and dad, I learned so much. I believe that I am a pretty disciplined person. I know that I would not be half as disciplined now if it were not for my dad. He had me in the gym 365 days of the year. (No, really….including Christmas and Thanksgiving!) At the time…… I didn’t LOVE having to go up there to run, shoot, and work on ball handling skills. However, know I am so thankful. I was not a natural athlete and even after all my hard work I wasn’t that great, I had to work to be decent. Thankfully, he pushed me. I actually made All-Star my senior year. I couldn’t have and wouldn’t have done it without him.
My dad is not only a great coach and great teacher, but a great dad. He and my mom brought me up in a Christian home. They had us in church, and because of that my brother and I both came to know Christ at a young age during a VBS. He has taught us morals and Christian values. He has served beside me. We had the opportunity to go to Brazil on two mission trips while I was in college. On one trip my mom, brother, dad and I all got to go. (My aunt and uncle went too!) On the other trip, Jason and my mom got to go. It is such a blessing to know that your family loves the Lord, but the opportunity to serve with them is an amazing thing. He has returned to Brazil several other times.
He is also a wonderful granddad. It has been so fun to watch him with Libby. She has him wrapped around her tiny finger. I love watching him sing her to sleep. He sings to her “Put the Lime in the Coconut.” Libby loves him to. She is going to call him Coach. We all thought it was appropriate.
Another thing I have to mention about my dad is his sense of humor. Again, if you have been coached by him or taught by him you have seen this! My dad has a unique way of disciplining students in the classroom. He calls in Public Humiliation. I can still remember a song he made my class make up and sing in front of the cafeteria because we had been talking after a test. I can also remember people singing I’m a Little Teapot-with the hand motions. One of my favorite memories from a basketball practice was when Sara got in trouble for talking. My dad acted like he was real mad and went to get Black Betty (his paddle.) He had Sara stand against a support for the basketball goal. He rared back with paddle in hand……Sara could not stay still. She was begging, Please Coach Windle….Please don’t! He started swinging and hit the support for the basketball goal. Sara hit the floor like she had been hit. It was soooo funny! (Sara…. I’m sure you remember this!)
I guess I should be wrapping this up, I could go on forever. I can’t finish before mentioning one last thing about my dad. That is his generosity. He is a very giving man. I believe he would do anything for almost anyone. I am sure there have been times that he has done things for people without anyone knowing he did it. That is how he wants it to be. However, once again, if you know my dad….. you probably know this about him too!
Daddy, I love you and hope you have a great Birthday!