Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

I can't believe that Jason and I just celebrated 4 years of marriage. Yesterday was our anniversary and we had a great day! Last night we went to Hokkaido (my favorite!), we went to see Eclipse, and we finished up the night with the best dessert of all time- The Chocolate Stampede. This dessert is at Longhorns. It is amazing. Most of the time they will split the dessert for you. It is so big, Jason and I share half of it. (It is also half the price which means it is a steal!)

Jason has been one of the best decisions I have ever made (next to the decision of Salvation.) He is the most amazing, loving, selfless men I know. I wrote on my Facebook status the other day that men should take classes from him on how to show their wives they love them everyday of the year. And I really mean it. Sometimes when girls get together they list all the negatives about their husbands or complain that they always keep the toilet seat up, don't put their dishes up, or whatever. One night recently I got pulled into one of those discussions. And I was like yeah Jason too... Yeah.... Then I quickly realized... .No. He doesn't. He is such a servant and everything he does, he does for me and Libby. We are so blessed. The next time I saw that group of girls I quickly told them I was wrong. And I told them how wonderful he is. (They too admitted their men weren't so bad either!) I think all wives could benefit from thinking about all the wonderful things their men do for them instead of any negatives. Because, in my case, the positives way out number the negatives!)

Anyhow... I wanted to do a little history of mine and Jason's relationship..... so once upon a time....

Our first time together as a couple was to our Senior year Homecoming dance. Shortly after we went on our first date. We went to Colt's house to watch the Alabama/ Auburn game. Then we went to Ruby Tuesdays. My parents just happened to be eating their too. We didn't realize it till my dad approached the table. I didn't see him coming, but Jason's eyes got bigger and bigger! It ended up being a good thing, because my dad paid for the meal!

Throughout our relationship, one of our favorite things to do together is to go on mission trips. We have been to Norway, Brazil, and Mexico. We also traveled to Paris to see my brother last summer.

We got engaged the begining of our Senior year of college. We were at the Good Will Gala (where you buy clothes from Good Will and the proceeds went to a charity). Jason asked me in front of everyone. It was magical!

We got married July 8, 2006. It was a wonderful day filled with family and friends. A girl always dreams of her perfect wedding. And our day was perfect.

Now our life is even more full of love with the addition of our sweet Libby this past February. God has blessed us so much. We have a wonderful marriage and a wonderful family! Happy Anniversary Jason! Thank you for making my life so wonderful! I love you!


  1. So sweet :) As a bystander to your entire relationship... you speak the truth! Jason is a great guy, and you're a great wife. Congratulations on four years! (Oh yeah, and I got a good one too! ;)

  2. Such a sweet post! I believe I took that very first photo (Homecoming) and I believe I also made your first "hand-hold" possible!! :)

    Love you both to pieces! And Libby too!!!!
