Friday, July 2, 2010

Here we go.....

So I was talking to my friend, Rebekah, the other day about blogging. We both challenged each other to start a blog. So here we go......... (I must warn you, I am a MATH teacher. I cannot spell very good and my grammar skills are not too wonderful either!)

I actually wish I would have started this last June when I found out I was pregnant. I have been doing an awful job keeping up with all of Libby's milestones. So I thought this might be a good way to do that. The day we found out we were having a girl, we also found out that our little girl had a clubbed foot. It was a day of mixed emotions. Soon after, we went to UAB to have a better ultrasound done to confirm that Libby's foot was clubbed. At the time, I thought it was the worst possible thing that could happen to us. I know people were praying for us to have peace, because it didn't take long for me to chill out and realize that we were so blessed. Of all the things that could be wrong with our baby, this was something we could fix.

About a week and a half after Libby was born she got her first cast. It went from her toes all the way up to her diaper line. We had to replace the cast every week for about 7 weeks. There are so many things you don't think about. Like, getting poop on the cast and not being able to give her a bath in her tub. After the 7 weeks, she had a minor surgery to clip her achilies tendon. They did have to put her to sleep because she wiggled too much. After the surgery she had one more cast. This time she wore it for 2 1/2 weeks. After the cast she was given special shoes. They have a bar between them to keep her foot turned out. I really hate these shoes. It is so hard to cuddle up with her. However, again.... it could be so much worse. She wears these shoes 23 hours a day. Once she starts to pull up she will only have to wear the shoes to sleep in until she is 2 or 3. Needless to say, we practice standing all of the time!

Now, Libby is almost 5 months old! Time has flown! In the past couple of weeks she has really started grabbing for things. Right now we all think it is so cute..... I am sure in another few weeks we will be saying NO! Stop! She has also started laughing out loud more. She has been smiling and laughing for a while now. However, these past couple of weeks have been so fun! She is laughing loudly and for a long period of time! We are really enjoying being home with her this summer!

I know this was a long post and I promise they won't all be that long. But I want to encourage anyone who finds out their child might have a clubbed foot. It is really not that bad. It is fixable! I promise it will be harder on you then your baby! Libby doesn't even realize she has shoes on! If you know someone going through something like this, please give them my name and contact info! I'd love to talk to them! Well.... hopefully I will be good at keeping this blog up... I guess we will see....

OH! And Rebekah....Tag! You're it! Your turn!

1 comment:

  1. Savannah- So glad you started a blog! I look forward to watching Libby grow and to keep up with you guys! Let me know when Rebekah gets her's started.
